Sunday, December 6, 2009

I need talent show help!?

Okay, here goes.

I need some help. I'm a good singer, and to prove that I've been in a National Choir (The Canadian Children's Opera Chorus; more commonly known as CCOC) and I've got a good song to work with but heres the problem: I'm scared to audition. These teachers who are judges DONT REALLY LIKE ME and I'm afraid that will dent my chance of getting in to the actual show. HELP! PLEASE!

I need talent show help!?phantom of the opera

How biased can the judges get? If you are really that good, that shouldn't be a problem. Just have confidence and you'll be aight.

I need talent show help!?listen to opera opera theater

Try out, and if they say no you will walk away feeling betrayed but just know they didn't base it on your talent. Maybe try out for something else and sing and invite all those judges to come see you so they will know what they turned down.
I would go and audition, you are only going to live once, so you think that because the teachers don't like you, that you wont get in the show. If you don't try out you won't get in the show. Try out stand confident and show them who the real you is. Don't ever not try something you want to do, because of how someone feels about you. That is how they feel you can not change it, and don't let anyone knock you down. GO FOR IT and GOOD LUCK YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE!!!

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